We've had a good week of revival and are expecting an even better week with Bro. Cowen and his family. Our schedule will be Sunday through Wednesday this week. Come and expect a miracle.
Josh received the Holy Ghost and is baptized the "ONLY" Bible way , in the Name of Jesus. Here are some pictures of tonights service. Bro. Cowen did a fine job preaching an anointed message. Let's pray and see what the LORD will continue to do for Truthway.
Brother Mark Cowen from Colorado Springs, Co. is preaching revival services at Truthway. We are expecting a great time of refreshing and increase in the LORD. Bro. Cowen formerly assisted Elder Tommy Johnson at the First Church of Colorado Springs. Bro. Cowen is no stranger to our church and we are anticipating a continued revival.
A "BIG THANK YOU" go to everyone who participated and worked to make our 2nd Annual Car Show successful. We had a good number of contestants and spectators. Thanks go out to our Truthway family, outstanding as usual. What a joy to pastor people who are loving God the way you do. Here are a few pics taken by Sis. Tina of the days event.